Geomechanics and Geotechnics

We assess and model the behavior of rocks and soils, planning and interpreting surface and underground surveys, and complementing them with on-site and in-lab tests; we perform parametrization upscaling from the punctual characterization to the volumetric one by integrating the results in geological models with solid scientific foundations.

  • Investigation plans and tests on site and in lab
  • Geomechanical classification of rock masses
  • Rock mass parameterization
  • Geotechnical parameterization of soils
  • 2D/3D modelling of the substratum for surface and underground structures
  • Interpretation of monitoring series
  • Design of excavation support systems
  • Estimation of geomechanical parameters during excavation
  • Vibration monitoring


Request information or an estimate to our technical office, using the contact details or the form below

Address: Via Vittorio Amedeo, 6 – 10121 Torino TO
Phone. +39.011.0361100

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We believe that our work must always be based on a principle of ethical and sustainable balance between the environmental transformations and the development to which we give our contribution

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